Accelerated Basics Course

Introduction to the history and philosophy of Chiropractic and Functional Specific Chiropractic
Upper cervical spinal neurology and biomechanics
Functional Specific Chiropractic patient examination introduction.
Positioning stance and adjusting biomechanics for the doctor and patient.
Learn how to establish C1 and C2 listing
Adjustment simulator and supervised practice
Learn how to specifically adjust the upper cervical spine.
Adjusting Biomechanics and Practice
Patient placement and doctor stance supervised practice
Perform a Functional Specific Chiropractic Examination
Determine Functional Specific Chiropractic listing
Written and Practical Final Examination
All students and doctors will have the option to be examined and adjusted if necessary at no cost.
Please note:
The Accelerated Basics Course is for doctors or students that are highly motivated and have a strong desire to learn the work. You will be able to use what you learn in practice immediately and your patients will notice the difference. We will spend many hours drilling the material into each and every attendee. Be ready to work.