Functional Specific Chiropractic
What the doctors are saying:
Chiropractors are utilizing Functional Specific Chiropractic technique and procedures in their practice. The results are astounding, and the patients are getting better without the use of medication, surgery, or therapy.
Whether you are already practicing a Specific Upper Cervical Procedure, Full Spine, Rehab, or Mixing, Functional Specific Chiropractic may help those hard to (for lack of better terms) "treat" patients. Take a glance at what some of our field doctors are saying.
Helping sick people get well and stay well is our passion. We are sharing these testimonials excerpts with you because we want more doctors to learn what we do and how they can implement these procedures in their practice. Full and originial testimonials are avaliable at Specific Chiropractic in Boca Raton, Fl.

Dr. Evan J. Hasson - FL
"As an Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractor I am utilizing this procedure in the cases that I am unable to x-ray. Before my practice was built, I did not have the access to x-ray imaging for use of a specific line drawing analysis. Having developed this procedure over some years, "the proof really is in the pudding," and in the patient testimonials, pre/post neurological and orthopedic examinations. I recommend this procedure as an additional technique and perspective to reach those patients in your practice that were previously regarded as unreachable and unable to help. "
Dr. Sarah A. Myer - FL
“I started off utilizing a full spine technique that I truly believed would help people. And it did very much so. But I still had patients who were not getting the results I knew they should be. After exploring more of the upper cervical chiropractic world and seeing the results that my colleagues were getting with their patients, I decided to switch gears and implement more specific adjustments and examinations to the care of my own patients. The problem was that the office I started practicing out of had a very old and stationary x-ray unit. There was no way I could get the films I needed to do a full and proper upper cervical analysis. I also had a lot of geriatric patients who could never sit or stand for a radiograph anyway.
Using functional specific chiropractic in practice was the perfect way to assess my patients for an upper cervical subluxation without the necessity of films, while still being able to deliver a specific adjustment unique to each individual patient. The results my patients started getting were absolutely incredible. I'm so thankful for the development of this technique and that it's helped so many people.
The best part is that FSC can be used on its own or in conjunction with any other existing chiropractic technique. You can add specificity to your existing full-spine practice, or use it to acquire upper cervical specific listings on patients who may not be able to have regular films taken. Whatever you're doing to help your patients get to a higher level of health, FSC is a useful and powerful addition to any practice.”