Boca Raton Chiropractor Developed a Unique Nervous System Quiz
Nervous System Quiz – How Healthy Is My Nervous System?
Read the statements below and give yourself one point for all that apply to you.
_ I have difficulty getting a restful night’s sleep.
_ I get sick more often than my friends and family.
_ I feel tired more often than not.
_ I feel pain and or stiffness in my neck, back, and/or shoulders.
_ I am irritable.
_ I have digestion issues.
_ I feel like my body leans to one side.
_ I feel uncomfortable lying down, sitting up, and/or standing.
_ I feel like half my body is stronger than the other half.
_ I have bad posture.
_ I get headaches, migraines, or face pains.
_ I have a “cloudy” or “foggy brain.”
_ I feel anxious.
_ I feel depressed.
_ I have trouble focusing.
Rules: Add up all of your points and follow the instructions:
If you scored 0, then keep up the good work and come visit our East Boca office and introduce yourself.
If you scored 1-3, then it will be a smart idea to get your nervous system and spine examined. You may be in the early phases of spinal degeneration and your nervous system is stressed.
If you scored 4 or more then you need to make an appointment for a consultation in our office. Most people that experience these symptoms have underlying causes that may be fixable before you get worse. Please contact our East Boca office for a consultation, we can help you.
If possible, please print out this form and bring in with your score for the doctor to review.