Decisions to Destiny
The moment we make a decision - our life changes. Could be a good decision or a bad decision we have a choice. We can decide to go to sleep early and wake up early -- How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now?
We can decide to stop eating candy, processed foods, and start exercising -- How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now? We can decide to see a Specific Chiropractor regularly and keep our nerve system clear of stress -- How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now? We can read more books and watch less T.V. -- How will that change your lifetoday, tomorrow, ten years from now? We can be more loving to our friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. -- How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now? We can decide to learn a new trade, skill, or hobby. -- How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now? We can decide to volunteer our time to help people in our community. --How will that change your life today, tomorrow, ten years from now? Ask yourself -- if you decided to make these types (or other types) of changes. -- How will that change the lives of your family, friends, and your community - today, tomorrow, ten years from now? Interesting idea, right? What decisions will you make today that will influence your destiny? If you would like to share - just e-mail me back or tell me when I see you! Enjoy your weekend and remember don't keep Specific Chiropractic a secret. Chiropractically yours, Dr. Evan J. Hasson
"You never know how far reaching what you say, think or do today will affect/effect the lives of millions tomorrow. "